• Why does Best Buy ask for your email when you purchase a cell phone charger? 
  • Why do service people ask for the best number to reach you then call on your other number?
  • Why do we like our food piping hot and then blow it cold? 

The word WHY is such a small word, it is only 3 letters but when asked it is filled with so much expectation. 

  • Why do the stars come out at night? 
  • Why do I have to do homework? 
  • Why do I have to go to bed? 
  • Why did you join Toastmasters? (Ah, didn’t see that one coming)

William Barclay says there are two great days in a person’s life, the day we are born and the day we discover why.

Well, I apologize but I don’t have the answers to your most important whys. I can however, tell you some answers to why you should participate wholeheartedly in Toastmasters.

It hones your communication and leadership skills: If you participate, if you do the projects, it will take you out of your comfort zone. And life begins at the end of your comfort zone. If you are like me you try to do everything you can NOT to leave your comfort zone. The comfort zone is controlled, the comfort zone is manageable and the comfort zone is predictable. Sometime though controlled isn’t fun, sometimes manageable isn’t exciting and sometimes predictable doesn’t bring the AWESOMENESS that is YOU and ME! And the world is being deprived of a GREAT story if we stay in our comfort zone. 

The fun and the fellowship: If you participate you will see the benefits of a Toastmasters membership immediately. Because in completing the projects it affords you the opportunity to practice your words, your writing, your gesturing and a whole host of other competencies in a safe friendly fun environment alongside other people who are there for the same reasons you are there, to become better at communicating and leading. 

Well, I may not have shed any light on why Best Buy needs your email address to buy a phone charger, but I hope I have hit on some reasons you should want to participate in Toastmasters wholeheartedly. And since you’re already participating wholeheartedly, why not film your WHY and inspire others? If you would like to share your 1-2 minute WHY story let’s get together. Send me an email: deehibbs5915@gmail.com and let’s get it on tape.