To Everything There Is A Season!

Each round gets harder and harder, the competitor pool gets smaller and smaller and allegiances are formed. What is this thing that can pit some seemingly peaceful households against each other during this time of year? No, it isn’t the National Championship or the Super bowl, but if you said Toastmasters contest season then you would be right.

Toastmasters contest season is a very unique time. What’s so unique about it you might ask? Each winter thousands of members around the world compete at the club, area, division and district levels all to secure a spot in the  Championship round of the Toastmasters program, the International Speech Contest.  You won’t find Toastmasters Contest season listed on a conventional calendar, however, around Toastmasters circles contest season is definitely considered noteworthy. Next to Toastmasters Leadership Trainings, (TLIs) and the spring conference the contests are probably the best time to do networking. Due to the high number of members that come out to watch, judge, time, count and lead.

The contests definitely live up to all of the hype and advertising. The best of the best recite their finest 5-7 minute speech to give audiences in their clubs, areas, divisions, districts and world, a laugh, a cry or a moral to live by.

Unlike the Super bowl there are no losers in the Toastmasters speech contests. Because iron sharpens iron, each member emerges from competition a better communicator and leader as a result of the participation.

If you haven’t participated in, volunteered for or attended a speech contest I challenge you to make this your year to do so, you will only benefit from the experience.