Are You In A Safe Place?

About two months ago I went out to my garage to start my car and it wouldn’t start. Fortunately, I am a member of the AAA auto club. If you have ever had to call AAA you know the very first thing the representative asks you is are you in a safe place? Now, of course I was in a safe place, my car happened to breakdown in my garage. While waiting for the service person I couldn’t help but think there is a definite correlation between being in a safe place with the car and being in a safe place in the Toastmasters program.AdobeStock_84573571.jpeg

I think there are three types of safe places: The first one is a place where the person wants to do better but they just don’t want to make the effort to get it done. They know the car is not safe but they just keep hoping that miraculously it will get fixed.

This is a Toastmaster that joins they say they want to improve their communication and leadership skills but they just can’t get it done. They are too busy and they are always coming up with an excuse to not attend a meeting. They just hope that miraculously their leadership and communication skills will get better and improve.

The second safe place is the person who is fine just where they are the car has some small quirks it has some small leaks it’s costing nickel and dime money but they are ok with that, just satisfied where they are.

This is a Toastmaster that joins and they come to the meetings and they may or may not do a role. They will do the Ice Breaker Speech but 2 years will pass before they do another speech they know they probably should do more but they just become satisfied with where they are.

The third safe place is the place where I was when the AAA person asked if I was in a safe place I was at my house. I wasn’t on the side of the road or a dangerous place, I was in a safe place.

This is a Toastmaster that joins and right away gets busy. They speak every opportunity that they are able and when they don’t see an opportunity they create opportunities to communicate and lead.

Now, let me just say I’m not saying any one of these safe places is better than the other. I’m not suggesting that any one will get you more than the other, I am simply asking, District 40 Toastmasters are you in a safe place?