Access To Power

Last Sunday my Pastor talked about having access to something yet not having any power. Because of the storms on Saturday night the church had no power on Sunday morning. My Pastor said, “he flipped the light switch but nothing happened”. “Even though he had access to lights he had no power.”

This sermon started me to thinking about how many inside and outside of our Toastmasters organization have access to better communication, better listening, and better leadership but they do not have the power these things can bring.

Some people join and they come to the meetings, they get the materials, but they never do a speech or accept a role. They have access to better communication, better listening and better leadership but they have no power.

People outside the organization that you meet and talk to about Toastmasters always say, “I need to join that”, or “I’m going to come to a meeting as soon as I have time.” They have access to better communication, better listening, and better leadership because they know you, but they have no power.

One hour before service was to start, the power was restored. This time when Pastor flipped the light switch a remarkable thing happened, the lights came on. We had a spectacular service and many came down and joined. We used our access to plug into the available power. 

Can you imagine what would happen if the members inside of the Toastmaster organization used the resources, stepped into the various roles and plugged into their power? If those outside the organization accepted your invitation to access better communication, better listening, better leadership and plugged into their power? The meetings would be spectacular and many would come and join.